
Breast Augmentation in Plano, TX

What is Breast Augmentation Surgery?

Breast augmentation surgery, also known as augmentation mammaplasty, is a surgical procedure to enhance the size and shape of a woman’s breasts. This procedure is typically performed to increase fullness in the upper portion of the breasts or restore symmetry between the two breasts. It may also be used to reconstruct a breast after mastectomy or injury.

During the procedure, breast implants are inserted either under the chest muscles or directly behind the breasts. Breast implant surgery may also involve altering the size and shape of the areola (the dark skin surrounding the nipple).

Breast augmentation surgery is designed to give women an enhanced look that will make them feel more confident in their appearance. The results of the surgery are intended to be permanent, although some changes may occur over time due to age and other factors such as weight loss or gain, pregnancy, and nursing.

Who is an ideal candidate for a Breast Augmentation?

Ideally, a candidate for breast augmentation should be in good overall health and have realistic expectations of the outcome of the surgery. Women who have had previous surgeries or skin infections near the breasts may not be suitable candidates for this type of procedure. In addition, women with an existing medical condition that could increase their risk during surgery may need to postpone the procedure.

Your Plastic Surgeon can advise you on whether or not breast augmentation is right for you and which type of implant will best suit your body type, lifestyle and desired outcomes. Be sure to ask questions and discuss any concerns before proceeding with surgery. A successful surgical outcome depends on clear communication between the patient and the surgeon.

What should I do before Breast Augmentation surgery?

Prior to surgery, your plastic surgeon will review your medical history and assess the size and shape of your breasts. During the consultation, you should discuss any medications you are taking and provide a list of allergies or current health problems. Your Plastic Surgeon may recommend that certain medications be stopped before surgery.

Your Plastic Surgeon will also present the various options available for breast implants and explain the risks and benefits of each. This is your opportunity to ask questions, voice any concerns, and share your desired outcome.

Following your consultation with a Plastic Surgeon, you will be advised on how best to prepare for surgery. This may involve avoiding certain medications or supplements as well as getting lab work done and avoiding foods or drinks that may affect your health in the days leading up to surgery. Your Plastic Surgeon will provide detailed instructions on how best to prepare for the procedure.

What is the recovery time for a Breast Augmentation Procedure?

The recovery time after a breast augmentation procedure varies from patient to patient. Generally, the initial recovery period lasts two to three weeks and requires additional rest and care. During this time, you may experience discomfort and swelling as your body adjusts to the implant placement. It is important to follow your Plastic Surgeon’s post-operative instructions.

How long do the results last after a Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation results are generally permanent, however, certain lifestyle choices and the natural aging process may affect the look of your breasts over time. You should discuss any concerns with your Plastic Surgeon if you notice changes to the appearance of your breasts.

Most women who have a breast augmentation are extremely satisfied with their results and find that it improves their confidence and self-esteem. A breast augmentation procedure can be a life-changing experience for many women and the results should last for many years when proper care is taken.

What is the difference between Saline and Silicone Implants?

Breast implants come in either saline or silicone varieties. Saline implants are filled with sterile salt water and provide a natural look and feel. Silicone implants, on the other hand, are filled with a gel-like substance that provides a softer, more natural look. The type of implant chosen will depend on the patient’s desired outcome, body type and lifestyle. Your Plastic Surgeon can provide more information about the differences between the two types of implants.

What size implant should I get?

The type and size of implant will depend on your desired outcome, body proportions and lifestyle. During your consultation, you should discuss your desired results with your Plastic Surgeon. Your surgeon will help determine the best size for you based on your body type and personal preferences.

Does insurance cover breast augmentation surgery?

Most insurance companies do not cover cosmetic breast augmentation surgery. However, some insurance providers may cover the cost of a reconstructive procedure following a mastectomy or injury. It is important to check with your insurance provider before scheduling your procedure as coverage varies from plan to plan.

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