Breast augmentation

Breast Augmentation, TX

What is Breast augmentation surgery?

Breast augmentation surgery, also known as augmentation mammaplasty, is a surgical procedure to enhance the size and shape of a woman’s breasts. This procedure is typically performed to increase fullness in the upper portion of the breasts or restore symmetry between the two breasts. It may also be used to reconstruct a breast after mastectomy or injury.

Understanding your Breast implant options

Breast implants are a crucial aspect of breast augmentation surgery, and understanding the options available can help you make an informed decision. Implants are typically filled with either silicone gel or saline (sterile saltwater solution), and each type has its own benefits and drawbacks. Additionally, the size, shape, surface texture, and placement of implants all contribute to the final results of the procedure. Let’s dive into these factors to help you better understand what to expect and how to choose the best option for your body.

Who is an ideal candidate for a Tummy tuck procedure?

Patients who are considering a tummy tuck must be at or near their ideal body weight and in generally good health. Excess skin that is not related to pregnancy or major weight fluctuations may not respond well to a tummy tuck, and alternative procedures such as liposuction or laser body sculpting may be recommended instead. Additionally, patients should plan for downtime of up to two weeks after.

What are the benefits of a Tummy tuck procedure?

The main benefit of a tummy tuck is an improved body shape and contour. This can make it easier to fit into clothes and improve confidence in one’s appearance. Additionally, the procedure can reduce risk of developing hernias by tightening the abdominal muscles that are weakened after pregnancy or major weight loss. Additional benefits may include:

Silicone Gel vs. Saline implants

Silicone gel implants are filled with a cohesive, gel-like substance that mimics the look and feel of natural breast tissue. These implants are popular due to their softer, more natural feel, especially for women with less breast tissue. Silicone implants also reduce the risk of rippling, making them ideal for women with thinner skin or minimal fat over their chest. While the FDA temporarily restricted their use in 1992, extensive studies have since shown that silicone implants are safe

Breast implant size

Choosing the right breast implant size is a critical decision that should be based on your body proportions, lifestyle, and desired results. While many women describe their cosmetic goals in terms of cup size, there is no standardized measurement across bra manufacturers, making cup size an unreliable metric for determining implant size. Instead, implant size is measured in cubic centimeters (cc), with common sizes ranging from 200cc to 600cc or more.

Choosing the best implant placement for your body

Breast implants can be placed either above (subglandular) or below (submuscular) the pectoralis major muscle. Each placement has its benefits and drawbacks, which should be considered based on your anatomy, lifestyle, and desired appearance.

Submuscular (Below the Muscle) placement

Placing implants beneath the muscle provides more natural results for many women. It reduces the risk of implant rippling and minimizes the chances of capsular contracture (scar tissue formation). This placement also allows for better imaging during mammograms, making it a preferred choice for women with a family history of breast cancer. Additionally, submuscular placement offers more support for the implant, reducing the risk of long-term sagging.

Subglandular (Above the Muscle) placement

In subglandular placement, the implants are positioned above the muscle but below the breast tissue. This placement typically results in less post-operative discomfort and a shorter recovery time. Subglandular placement is often chosen by athletes or women with well-developed chest muscles, as it avoids weakening the pectoral muscles and prevents implant movement during intense physical activity. However, this placement can make the implants more noticeable, especially in women with less breast tissue, and increases the risk of rippling.

Finding the right Breast implant profile and shape

In addition to size and placement, other variables such as implant profile, shape, and surface texture affect the final results of breast augmentation:

Profile: The profile of an implant refers to how far it projects from the chest wall. Implants can have low, moderate, or high profiles. High-profile implants provide more projection and are often used for women with narrow chests who want.

Who is an ideal candidate for a Breast augmentation?

Ideally, a candidate for breast augmentation should be in good overall health and have realistic expectations of the outcome of the cosmetic surgery. Women who have had previous surgeries or skin infections near the breasts may not be suitable candidates for this type of procedure. In addition, women with an existing medical condition.

What should I do before this Breast enhancement surgery?

Prior to surgery, your plastic surgeon will review your medical history and assess the breast size and shape. During the consultation, you should discuss any medications you are taking and provide a list of allergies or current health problems. Your Plastic Surgeon may recommend that certain medications be stopped before surgery.

What is the recovery time for a Breast augmentation procedure?

The recovery time after a breast augmentation procedure varies from patient to patient. Generally, the initial recovery period lasts two to three weeks and requires additional rest and care. During this time, you may experience discomfort and swelling as your body adjusts to the implant placement. It is important to follow your Plastic Surgeon’s post-operative instructions.

How long do the results last after a Breast augmentation?

Breast augmentation results are generally permanent, however, certain lifestyle choices and the natural aging process may affect the look of your breasts over time. You should discuss any concerns with your Plastic Surgeon if you notice changes to the appearance of your breasts.

What is the difference between Silicone and Saline breast implants?

Breast implants come in either saline or silicone varieties. Saline implants are filled with sterile salt water and provide a natural look and feel. Silicone implants, on the other hand, are filled with a gel-like substance that provides a softer, more natural look. The type of implant chosen will depend on the patient’s desired outcome, body type and lifestyle. Your Plastic Surgeon can provide more information about the differences between the two types of implants.

What size implant should i get?

The type and size of implant will depend on your desired outcome, body proportions and lifestyle. During your consultation, you should discuss your desired results with your Plastic Surgeon. Your surgeon will help determine the best size for you based on your body type and personal preferences

Does insurance cover breast augmentation surgery?

Most insurance companies do not cover cosmetic breast augmentation surgery. However, some insurance providers may cover the cost of a reconstructive procedure following a mastectomy or injury. It is important to check with your insurance provider before scheduling your procedure as coverage varies from plan to plan.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. Consult your doctor for specific questions about your individual health, diagnosis, treatment, and recovery timeline.

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