Chemical Peels Treatment in Plano, TX


Chemical peels are simply non-invasive treatment technique which smoothens the texture of your skin by using a chemical solution to remove the damaged outer layers. The chemical solution is applied in a controlled manner so as to control the tissue death and ensure a new skin regenerates. The regenerated skin is much smoother than the old skin.

The chemical peel solution may be applied to your entire face or to certain specific areas to peel away the dead skin layers. The peels are used mostly on your face, but also around your neck region.

Facial peels may be superficial, medium or deep in depth depending on your need. The superficial peel will not go below your epidermis, Medium peels reach the superficial layer of your dermis and the deep peels will generally touch the deeper layers of the dermis. Whichever one you use, depending on the result you desire, your old skin will peel off and new ones will grow. The superficial and medium depth chemical peel has less risk and shorter recovery time and also have a great outcome.

The chemical peels solutions usually contain chemicals like trichloroacetic acid, retinoids (tretinoin dissolved in propylene glycol), salicylic acid, glycolic acid, carbolic acid and lactic acid.

Dr. Plano understands that the needs of each patient differ and so he offers consultations where he first answers your questions before you make a decision. If you are in Texas, you can book an appointment with him at Plano TX to find out whether you are eligible and which chemical peel depth is right for you.



Your facial skin’s exposure to the sun, acne, or even old age can leave your facial tone uneven, spotted, wrinkled or scarred. Even with a healthy lifestyle and skincare regiment, you can still have a dull or lifeless looking complexion. A facial chemical peel can, however, help improve and brighten up your face, making you appear much younger and fresher. The following are the many benefits you can get from a chemical peel;

1. The lines under your eyes and around your mouth will be reduced as the chemical peel takes the edge of your wrinkles, by reducing or blurring their depth.

2. There will be an improvement in the appearance of mild scars

3. It improves areas on your face damaged by the sun by removing the appearance of the damage. The sun, being the leading cause of wrinkles and fine lines, which can only be prevented with a good skincare regiment. However, the already damaged skin can be improved by Chemical peels which will remove the affected layer of skin leaving behind a smooth and fresh skin layer.

4. The look, texture, and appearance of your facial skin will be improved and more youthful as the chemical peel rejuvenates your face making it appear smoother brighter and fresher.

5. It treats your acne problem by reducing breakouts and fading the scars, as the chemical peel will not only remove and peel off your dead skin cells but also clean out your clogged pores. It also reduces the appearance of large pores.

6. It removes or reduces the blotchy patches that create a dull complexion on your face. They do not clear up on their own. With a chemical peel procedure, the chemical penetrates deep into your skin and removes the layer of darker skin so as to even out your facial skin tone.

7. It helps in the lightening of the skin. Your lifeless looking and dull complexion caused by a change of seasons, lack of rest and even poor diet can be improved and lighten by chemical peels.

8. It removes age spots which are usually difficult to hide even with makeup. A facial chemical peel procedure can even out your skin tone and help to reduce pigmentation.

9. Chemical peels improve your collagen growth. Chemical peels particular the Glycolic acid helps with the production of collagen which is a building block of skin tissue that helps to create supple and strong skin surface.

10. You have a better skin quality. This is because chemical peels help in removing dead skin cells and will also even out your facial skin tone thereby leaving your face with a fresh and youthful glow.

The Chemical Peel procedure is perfectly safe as long you get it done by a skilled cosmetic Surgeon, such as can be gotten from Dr. Plano in Plano TX.

Our team of Doctors is readily available to discuss with you and advise you on any possible complications or side effects.



Chemical peel is a simple and fast procedure. The whole process of application and setting time of the chemical peel solution is usually between 15 and 60 minutes.

The chemical solution is applied to your face one area at a time, till your desired depth is achieved. It burns for about 2 -10 minutes. Your face eventually returns to its original color upon neutralizing it, within 15 to 45 minutes.

The duration for recovery is usually within 7 days. Within this time, your superficial facial skin will turn dark and stiff, followed by cracking, flaking, and peeling. Once it peels, your new skin comes out bright and smooth. Your new skin is expected to last between 6 months and 2 years.

Superficial depth peels may be repeated at one to four-week intervals while the Medium-depth and deep-depth peeling may be repeated in six to 12 months if you desire.

To book an appointment, you can visit our contact page.

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