
Tummy Tuck Procedures


A tummy tuck also known as abdominoplasty is a cosmetic plastic surgery procedure that helps remove flab or excess skin from the abdomen that normal exercise and dieting will not remove.If you have ever tried to achieve a well toned abdomen you know how hard it may be to remove the excess skin. Our procedure removes this excess skin and tightens the muscles on the abdomen wall. Liposuction is a common procedure associated with a tummy tuck because it helps remove the extra fat and a tummy tuck gets rid of the excess skin. The procedure also helps to strengthen and restore weakened muscles, thereby, developing an abdomen profile that is frimer and smoother. Many people admire a flat, well-toned abdomen. As a result many people choose to exercise and loss weight to achieve a flat tummy. However, in most occasions, the exercises and the weight loss efforts do not work, thereby, leading to a sagging tummy. The fact that sagging abdomen might be as a result of genetics, it becomes difficult to achieve a flat tummy through exercises and weight loss sessions. The only, reliable solution that remains to a person that has a sagging abdomen as a result of genetics, pregnancy, weight fluctuations, and aging is to go for a tummy tuck procedure.


A good candidate for tummy tuck procedure is any person that is in good physical health with stable weight, a non-smoker, and someone that is concerned about the appearance of his or her abdomen. A good candidate for a tummy tuck procedure is any individual that has clear expectations of having a flat tummy, given the fact that even individuals with normal body weight might suffer from a protruding abdomen.
  • Must be a man or women of average or slightly above average weight
  • Women who were pregnant may opt for this surgery to remove the excess skin associated with pregnancy.
  • Individuals who were once obese and achieved massive weight loss may opt for this surgery to remove the excess fat deposits around the midsection


  • If you are planning another pregnancy we advise to wait until post pregnancy because the tightening of the muscles after the tummy tuck will stretch again causing the the procedure to be ineffective
  • Are overweight, if you are overweight a tummy tuck is not an alternative to daily exercise and dieting.
  • If you have a history of poor wound healing, scarring may be more noticeable. We do offer laser treatments that may reduce the size of scarring as well as steroid injections and excision.

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